two women in front of flowers

The holidays can be a great time to reconnect with family and friends, but it can also be a time when people experience mental health struggles. Taking care of your mental health around the holidays can be tough, especially when there are expectations for you to participate in all the activities.

Advocating for yourself and your mental health can be a boundary that you may not have explored before, and while it can be tough in the moment, remember that it is okay to put yourself and your mental health first. While you may have family members or others who voice their opinions on how you should spend all of your time with them, a gentle conversation of boundaries and how you need to take care of your mental health may be needed, so you are able to bring your best self to family activities.

Taking care of your mental health may look like stepping away from everyone, to go outside and go for a walk or simply leaving the room and looking for a quieter space. Other times, tending to your mental health could be spending time with friends and family to fill your cup back up. Self-care can take the form of many different things, including taking time to yourself, or spending time with someone or a group of people.

Here Together,
